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Cristina Isla

3 Jul 2013

“For some people, the internships offered through the master’s programme in Diplomacy and International Public Service were a means to get to know a different country, culture or nation, but for me they were even more. In this adventure offered by the CEI, I did not need to leave Barcelona to benefit from an experience that would teach me how to thrive in the professional world. This internship was a step forward in both my academic and professional training, affording me the opportunity to embark on a second field at a large company that is not only one of the most highly regarded banks in the industry, but also, and above all, one big family, Banc Sabadell.”


Operational Officer at JF Hillebrand Global Beverage Logistics. Made her internship at Banc Sabadell

Ex student of Master in Diplomacy and International Public Service (2011-2012)

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