From 2011-2012 year, each fall organizes a Conference on current issues in security and defense with the participation of experts and professionals. They are aimed at students and professionals (journalists, researchers …) and the general public.
15-10-2021: CONFERENCE “Inequality and Globalization in the post-covid era” Open enrollment!
21 April 2021: Online Conference “The Next Generation EU: a fertile path for a more inclusive Europe?”
22 January 2021: Conference “Joe Biden & the world: The foreign agenda of the new US administration”
02 October 2020: CONFERENCE: “Fragilities and frictions in the global economy: Diagnostic and implications”
20 February 2020: Conference The international (un)proteccion of victims of trafficking
6 June 2019: The economic diplomacy in times of trade war. The end of multilateralism?
16 May 2019: Reconfiguration of the world order: Technologies, Policies, Companies, Societies
12 December 2018: “CETA, An opportunity in the current international geopolitical end economic context”
10 May 2018: Conference: “2018 Consolidation and/or risks. New economic and geopolitical realities”
28 February 2018: Workshop: Work in the European Union
2018: II Conference on Economic Diplomacy
15 December 2017: Conference of Refugees: “The crisis of Europe facing the challenge of the refugees”
18 February 2016: II Conference “EU Careers: Jobs and internships in European institutions”
12 November 2015: Conference: “The refugee crisis: Is a joint European Response Still Possible?
8 September 2015: Catalonia and the European Union
28 April 2015: Finance and Society in the Internet age
27 March 2014: The Chinese strategy for Achieving Global Economic and Political Leadership