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Talk on Peru

30 Mar 2016



The Peruvian territory comprises three well-defined regions: the coast, the highlands and the jungle or Amazon rainforest.

The country’s most dynamic area is the coast, where many companies that engage in export agriculture are headquartered. Additionally, Lima, which accounts for more than 50% of the country’s economic activity, is a coastal city.

One of Peru’s main foreign-policy priorities is to strengthen relations not only with its neighbouring countries, but with all Latin American countries. Beyond Latin America, relations with the EU, and especially with Spain (a major investor in Peru), are also still very important to the country.

In this session, H.E. Mr Juan Carlos Sánchez Alonso, Ambassador of Spain in Lima, will offer an overview of the current economic, political and social situation in the country and of its trade and diplomatic relations with Spain.

View complete country profile


Date: 16 December 2014

Aimed at: Open to the public

Time: 5 pm

Place: Saló de Graus room, Faculty of Law, University of Barcelona, Av. Diagonal, 684 (Barcelona)

Contact: Kindly confirm attendance by phone at 93 205 45 16 or email at


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