Recent years have witnessed a considerable increase in the outsourcing of the legitimate use of force to the private sector via private military and security companies. It is necessary to assess whether such companies constitute a serious attack on the foundations of the modern state and the principles of the rule of law and whether they pose a risk to the civilian population.
Recent years have seen a considerable increase in the outsourcing of the legitimate use of force to the private sector via private military and security companies. It is necessary to assess whether such companies constitute a serious attack on the foundations of the modern state and the principles of the rule of law and whether they pose a risk to the civilian population. The authors believe that they do. Private military and security companies are the 21st-century equivalent of the pirates abolished from the international arena in the 19th century. The world is thus currently witnessing a regression. Although it is too late to prevent this process, it should at least be internationally regulated with a view to requiring states to comply with certain limits and obligations regarding what can be delegated or outsourced to these companies.
Authors: Gómez del Prado, José L.; Torroja Mateu, Helena
Publisher: Marcial Pons, Ediciones Jurídicas y Sociales, S.A.
Published: 2011
Collection: Tribuna Internacional
No. of pages: 195
Language: Spanish