This volume seeks to analyse the flexibility mechanisms defined under the Kyoto Protocol from a multidisciplinary perspective that encompasses not only the legal and institutional point of view, but also the mechanisms’ political and economic dimensions.
Climate change has emerged as one of the most important global challenges facing humanity. To combat it, the international community has adopted the Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol, which establishes commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions for developed countries, but also three ‘flexibility mechanisms’ to facilitate their fulfilment: joint implementation, the clean development mechanism, and emissions trading. This volume seeks to analyse the flexibility mechanisms from a multidisciplinary perspective that encompasses not only the legal and institutional point of view, but also the mechanisms’ political and economic dimensions.
Author: Saura Estapà, Jaume
Publisher: Marcial Pons, Ediciones Jurídicas y Sociales, S.A.
Published: 2003
Collection: Tribuna Internacional
No. of pages: 155
Language: Spanish