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31 Mar 2016

This volume analyses the economic and social policy problems facing different open economies in the current context of globalisation and economic and financial integration: the ‘trilemmas’ of globalisation. 




This volume analyses the economic and social policy problems facing different open economies in the current context of globalisation and economic and financial integration: the ‘trilemmas’ of globalisation.


The economic trilemma reflects how two initially desirable aspects for countries, namely, stable exchange rates and autonomous monetary policy, are incompatible in the current context of financial globalisation. At the same time, the political-social-economic trilemma shows how globalisation poses challenges for ineffective nation-states insofar as it corrects the failures of a global market.  


General information

Author: Mascarilla Miró, Óscar

Publisher: Marcial Pons, Ediciones Jurídicas y Sociales, S.A.

Published: 2003

Collection: Tribuna Internacional

No. of pages: 140

Language: Spanish


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