The Constitution defines Russia as a federal state and composed of a series of Subjects or constituent entities of the Federation, which receive different names (republic, region, district…), without this implying significant differences in terms of the powers that each entity can exercise.
The Russian Federation consists of 83 subjects of the Federation (of which 2 are cities, Moscow and St. Petersburg), grouped into 8 Federal Districts. Crimea and Sevastopol have become, after the annexation not internationally recognized in 2014, the Federal Subjects 84 and 85, respectively.
In terms of the economic situation, the main objectives of economic policy are the maintenance of the budget balance – or, at least, the control of the deficit – and the modernization and diversification of the economy as a whole.
Diplomatic relations with Spain are marked by the Strategic Association Agreement between the Kingdom of Spain and the Russian Federation, signed on the occasion of President Medvedev’s visit to Spain, in March 2009 (Agreement that raises the level of relations with Russia that Spain has with countries like Italy or Germany). From the political point of view, the relations between Spain and the Russian Federation are positive and do not present problems of any kind, although they have been rare and somewhat limited in amount.
The Hon. Mr. Ignacio Ybáñez Rubio, Ambassador of Spain in Russia, will present the current situation and Russia’s relations with Spain, commercially and diplomatically.
Source: Russia Country Tab (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation).
Meeting and lunch
Date: 12/12/2017
Aimed at: Journalists, academics, representatives of institutions and entrepreneurs ( at the express invitation of CEI International Affairs)
Hours: from 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Place: Avda. Vallvidrera, 25. Barcelona.
Contact: Sra. Àngels Vara
Price: 75 Euros (corresponding to lunch)