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Meeting with the Ambassador of Spain to Senegal

7 May 2019

Senegal is a presidentialist Republic. The National Assembly consists of 165 deputies elected by universal suffrage every 5 years.


In economic terms, the volume of business and the Spanish presence in Senegal are still modest. Our trade balance with Senegal registers a traditional surplus.


In 2016, exports reached € 253 million (with a decrease of 10% compared to 2015), as a result of the reduction of smelting and iron and steel products (24% decrease) as well as of fuels (of 112.1 M. at 93.5 M).


Among the main suppliers in Senegal, Spain ranked 7th in 2017, ranking 4th in the European Union, behind France, the Netherlands and Belgium.


In relation to its foreign policy, since its independence as a Republic, Senegal has maintained a close relationship with France, former colonial power. Currently Senegal also has a privileged relationship with the EU, which is part of the ACP-EU Partnership Agreement.


Senegal has also cultivated excellent relations with the US and has pursued in recent years a greater weight in its foreign relations with emerging countries such as South Africa, India, Brazil, China, as well as with the Gulf Emirates, South Korea or Turkey.


Diplomatic relations between Spain and Senegal have followed an uninterrupted and friendly line since the establishment of diplomatic relations on March 3, 1965.


The Hon. Mr. Alberto Virella Gomes, Ambassador of Spain to Senegal, is going to talk about the current situation and the relations of the country with Spain, commercially and diplomatically.


Source: Senegal Country Tab (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation).



Meeting and lunch:  


Date: 28/05/2019


Aimed at: Journalists, academics, representatives of institutions, and entrepreneurs (at the express invitation of CEI International Affairs). 


Hours: from 13:30 h. to 4:00 pm.


PlaceAvda. Vallvidrera, 25. Barcelona.


Contact: Sra. Àngels Vara.


Price: 75 Euros (corresponding to lunch)

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