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Conference on Security and Defence: “NATO 2020: temporary or structural crisis. Diagnosis on NATO on the 70th anniversary”

7 Sep 2020

Conference on Security and Defence

“NATO 2020: conjunctural or structural crisis.

Diagnosis on NATO on the 70th anniversary”



Organization: CEI International Affairs


With the support of the Secretaría General de Política de Defensa

Spanish Ministry of Defence

Artículo30 – Política de Defensa


Directed by Dr Pere Vilanova


Date: October 29th 2020

Online format, by Google Meet


NATO 2020: it is about analyzing a crucial future scenario for transatlantic relations, to find out if we are facing a temporary or structural crisis. For this, we propose to make a diagnosis of NATO on its 70th anniversary, on the threshold of presidential elections in United States, which will be crucial for all intents and purposes and also for the Atlantic Alliance.

For this, this Conference will take stock of both the organization as a very useful political instrument during the Cold War and the three decades after its termination. The military operations in which NATO has been involved since 1999 and their impact on the international system will also be analyzed. 







18:10 h. – 18:50 h. ROUND TABLE: 

NATO 2020: temporary or structural crisis. Diagnosis on NATO on the 70th anniversary



Evaluation of the evolution of NATO

Dr Pere Vilanova, Professor of Political Science and Administration, University of Barcelona.



Balance of the military operations in which NATO has been involved since 1999

Colonel Jose Luis Calvo Albero, Colonel of infantry of the Spanish Army.



Moderator: Mr Jordi Quero, Professor, CEI International Affairs.



18:50h. – 19:00 h. QUESTION TIME



19:00h. – 19:10 h. CONFERENCE CLOSING 






Date: October 29th 2020

Modality: Online format, by Google Meet

Enrolment: To attend the Conference it is essential to register here. Registration will be essential to receive the link of the online session.

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