Are you about to graduate and you want to start your career in Sustainability but, do you know how? Have you been working for years but want to focus your future towards Sustainable Development? We’ll give you tips and solve all the doubts in the next Workshop.
WORKSHOP ONLINE: How can I work in Sustainable Development?
On April 20, Mr. Miquel Vidal, Coordinator of Circular Economy at the Fundació Formació i Treball, an expert in job placement in the field of sustainability, will offer a Workshop in which he will give the keys to start or transform your career towards the field of Sustainable Development.
In the Workshop “How can I work in Sustainable Development?” Mr. Vidal will talk about each of the possibilities of starting your career in the field of Sustainable Development, or of transforming your career towards this sector.
The Workshop will last one hour and then there will be a question time to answer all your questions.
Sign up here. Limited places!
What career opportunities does a Master in Sustainable Development offer?
The CEI’s Master in Sustainable Development, due to its interdisciplinary approach and practical orientation, prepares its students for a wide variety of jobs such as those detailed below:
Do you know the CEI’s Master in Sustainable Development?
It is a blended training given by the CEI, with a diploma from the University of Barcelona. The Master in Sustainable Development provides an in-depth understanding of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs. Through an interdisciplinary approach, it contributes to integrating and weighing the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development.
It includes the possibility of doing compulsory professional internships (from 4 to 6 months) or a Final Master’s Thesis (real project applicable to companies or institutions).
You will be trained with active lecturers: outstanding professionals from both the public and private sectors, university professors of recognized prestige in their specialty …
Find out now and start your registration for the 2021-2022 Course!