Activities | International Classroom

Meeting with the Ambassador of Spain to Israel

30 Mar 2016


Israel is a Mediterranean country located in the Asian region of the Middle East. It maintains diplomatic relations with a total of 157 countries, only two of which (Egypt and Jordan) are Arab. Officially, it remains at war with Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and other Arab states.

The United States and Israel have maintained a special bilateral relationship from the moment of its proclamation as a Jewish state in 1948. The relationship is especially close in the areas of defence, security, technology, finance and economic exchanges.

Exports account for around 40% of Israel’s GDP and external demand is essential to its growth. The United States and the European Union are the country’s two largest trading partners.

Likewise, the European Union accounts for 34% of imports, and the United States for 11%. By country, its largest trading partner is the United States ranks first, followed by China, Germany and Switzerland.

At this session, H.E. Mr Fernando Carderera Soler, Ambassador of Spain in Tel Aviv, will offer an overview of the current economic, political and social situation in the country and of its trade and diplomatic relations with Spain.

Source: Israel Country Profile (Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation)

View complete country profile


Meeting and lunch

Date: 20 October 2015

Aimed at: Journalists, academics, institutional representatives and business leaders (by express invitation of CEI International Affairs)

Time: from 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm

Place: Av. Vallvidrera, 25, Barcelona

Contact: Ms Àngels Vara

Price: 75 euros (for the lunch)

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