Activities | International Classroom

Meeting with Joaquim Gay de Montellà

30 Mar 2016



CEI International Affairs invites you to join us on 16 July for a talk-discussion and private lunch with the vice president of the CEOE (Spanish Confederation of Employers’ Organisations), chair of its International Relations Committee and president of Foment del Treball Nacional (the main Catalan employers’ association), Mr Joaquim Gay de Montellà.


The session, to focus on ‘The CEOE and the internationalisation of Spanish companies’, will offer attendees the opportunity to ask questions and engage in high-level business networking.



CV of Mr Joaquim Gay de Montellà



Meeting and lunch


Date: 16 July 2015


Aimed at: Journalists, academics, institutional representatives and business leaders  (by express invitation of CEI International Affairs)


Time: from 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm


Place: Av. Vallvidrera, 25, Barcelona


Contact: Ms Àngels Vara


Price: 75 euros (for the lunch)


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