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Marc Sanchez

12 Sep 2016

“CEI people are a team. When you arrive, with enthusiasm but disoriented, the staff welcomes you with open arms and gets down to supporting you, forming you and even you approve modelándote for the opposition work. That team consists of people of great personal and professional quality, the comprehensive time with the vicissitudes of the opposition and demanding to give your best performance. Approve the opposition depends on you, your effort and your resistance. CEI team ensures a solid infrastructure to achieve this goal. Expert on the system of the opposition, Ambassador Perpiñá-Robert is one of the most prestigious diplomatic career and advice mark turning points. Beside him, young diplomats and college coaches complete a unique training framework in Spain “.

Head of Service. Advisor in Department of European Affairs and G20. Cabinet of the Presidency of the Government

Preparation Course to Join the Diplomatic Corps (2011-2015)

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