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Free Workshops: How to prepare the oppositions to the EU?

2 Mar 2018

After the “Working in the EU” Conference, we bring a complementary training for all those who want to enter to the world of public official examinations, to become official of the European Union.


After the “Working in the EU” Conference, we bring a complementary training for all those who want to enter to the world of public official examinations.


In the coming weeks we will hold 3 free workshops, led by Mr. Eduard González EU Careers Ambassador, in which the tests examinations of the opposition to European official will be practised: 


– March 8: Verbal Reasoning

– March 15: Numerical reasoning

– March 22: Abstract Reasoning


The 3 workshops will take place in the CEI. From 5pm in the afternoon. You can sign up for the workshops you choose, sending an email to indicating your name and surname. 

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