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Closing ceremony of the XLI Edition of the Course on the European Union

26 Apr 2019

The Course on the European Union has come to an end, and one more year, its students have collected the diplomas at the closing ceremony of the course.

The Course on the European Union has come to an end, and one more year, its students have collected the diplomas at the closing ceremony of the course.


The closing ceremony was held in one of the halls of the Secretary of Universities and Research of the Generalitat de Catalunya.


The person in charge of presenting the event was Mr. Antoni Millet, Director of CEI International Affairs. Next, Mrs. Mireia Borrell, Director General of Foreign Affairs, Secretary of Foreign Affairs and of the European Union of the Generalitat de Catalunya pronounced her message to the students.


The closing conference was in charge of the Hon. Mr. Senén Florensa, Ambassador of Spain to specialized agencies of the United Nations in Vienna. This conference dealt with the Mediterranean and the future of the European Union.


Finally, the moment most awaited by the students arrived: The delivery of diplomas, which was carried out by Dr. Miguel Ángel Medina, coordinator of the Course on the European Union.


It has been a course full of knowledge, practice, great professors and professionals, the trip to Brussels to get to know the European institutions…


We wish you all the best of luck and we hope to see you soon in the CEI!


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