Activities | International Classroom

Online Conference: “Joe Biden & the world. The foreign agenda of the new US administration”

17 Dec 2020


“Joe Biden & the world: The foreign agenda of the new US administration”


Organized by: CEI International Affairs

With the collaboration of: US General Consulate in Barcelona & Fundación ”la Caixa”


January, 22 – 5 p.m.

See the complete conference here



What changes can we expect in the foreign policy of the United States under the new Administration? Will President Biden be able to redirect Washington’s foreign relations with its traditional allies after the passage of President Donald J. Trump through the White House? To what extent are some of the decisions on such important issues as the Iranian nuclear pact, the free trade agreement with the EU or the Paris Agreement on climate change reversible?


The purpose of the day is to explore the foreign agenda that can be expected from the new Administration under the presidency of Joe Biden. In particular, it will address the current state of political and economic relations between the United States and the European Union, and its impact on the global governance system, to reflect on its potential future scenarios in the next four years.





17:00 h.- 17:15 h. CONFERENCE OPENING 

– Àngel Pes, CEI International Affairs director



17:15 h. – 17:45 h. ROUND TABLE: “The foreign agenda of the new Biden’s administration”

– Conrad Tribble, Chargé d’Affaires of the US Embassy in Madrid.


– Beatriz Navarro, La Vanguardia’s Washington Correspondent.


 Daniel S. Hamilton, Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation Distinguished Fellow and Director of the Global Europe Program at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Senior Fellow at Johns Hopkins University SAIS Foreign Policy Institute.


Moderator: Jordi Quero, Conference director 



17:45 h. – 18:00 h. DEBATE & CLOSING 






Date: Friday, 22th January, 202, 5 p.m.


Modality: Online.


Enrollment: To attend the Conference is mandatory to register previously here.

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