CEI Quality Portal

  • 1. Mission, Vision and Quality Assurance Framework


    In accordance with the specific nature of its Founding Trustees (Universitat de Barcelona (UB), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and “La Caixa” Cooperation and Foundation), at the Fundación Centro de Estudios Internacionales (CEI International Affairs, hereinafter CEI) we train professionals capable of working both in the national or international public sector and in private companies through educational excellence, aiming to promote a public service with a firm commitment to society.


    CEI International Affairs is committed to be a leading institution in the fields of diplomacy and international relations. We believe in diplomacy in the broadest sense. This vision shapes our training programmes, research activities and dissemination of knowledge.

    Quality Assurance Framework

    CEI focuses its Quality Assurance Framework to ensure that it meets the expectations of our students as well as other stakeholders, promoting actions to ensure maximum satisfaction. It is the responsibility of the Director of CEI to establish, implement, and maintain this Framework:

    1. To ensure that CEI has an effective Quality Assurance System that is in line with the mission and strategic plan of the centre.
    2. To provide a framework for the centre to establish objectives.
    3. To ensure that all the personnel working at CEI knows and complies with the Quality Assurance Framework and the regulations thereof.
    4. To maintain high standards in all processes carried out at CEI.
    5. To provide continual improvement of the Quality System.
    6. To manage the centre’s resources to achieve its objectives efficiently.

    This Framework and the commitments inherited are reviewed periodically and are available to stakeholders upon request.

    The Board of Directors, on 11 March 2021.

  • 2. Quality Assurance Committee

    On 11 March 2021, the Quality Assurance Committee of CEI was established including the Executive Directorate as the responsible party, the Secretariat Manager of the centre as support and the Board of Directors for advice.

    The Committee will occasionally include a representative of CEI teaching staff, a representative of the University of Barcelona or a students’ representative, as well as other people that may be of interest.

    The Committee is conferred the following responsibilities:

    • To define and review the Quality Assurance Framework.
    • To define and review the effectiveness of the Quality System.
    • To review the analysis of the context, risks and opportunities and the fulfilment of the stakeholders needs.
    • To define and review the implementation and the documentation of the Quality System.
    • To define and review the verification reports, monitoring reports, modification proposals and internal accreditation reports of all the academic programmes.
    • To facilitate and ensure the gathering of all necessary evidence for the different processes of assessment, certification and accreditation of the centre.
    • To prepare and schedule internal audits and monitor the results of internal and external audits.
    • To facilitate and ensure the collection and analysis of data and process indicators.
    • Providing information that is useful, valid, and accessible to CEI stakeholders.
    • Identifying the centre’s needs in the broadest sense.
    • Managing incidents that affect the Quality System and identifying preventive actions.

    Meeting frequency: once every term

  • 3. Quality Assurance Manual

    The CEI Quality Assurance Manual describes the quality system implemented at the centre. It aims at satisfying stakeholders’ expectations as well as guaranteeing that regulatory requirements are met. The Manual is oriented towards the continual improvement of the institution and the prevention of incidents that alter the quality of the service provided.

    To ensure that the contents of the Manual are understood, applied, and updated by all the staff members working at CEI, its contents are public.

    The Board of Directors, on 27 January 2022.

  • 4. Quality Assurance Internal Processes

    CEI International Affairs carries out its activities as described in the corresponding processes of its Quality System, both as a foundation and an education centre affiliated to the University of Barcelona. For this reason, it has two global process maps.



  • 5. Incidences, Non-conformities and Corrective Actions

    The Quality Assurance Committee is responsible for enabling channels for voicing the concerns of prospective and current students, as well as those of all the staff members working at CEI. To that end, forms are available at CEI’s Secretariat. Alternatively, concerns can be e-mailed to info@ceibcn.com.

    Within a period no longer than 7 days, the concerns will be reviewed and addressed. If they require further action the issue will be raised to the Board of Directors. Once a year, the Quality Assurance Committee reviews all feedback to improve the Quality System.

    CEI students can also submit their complaints to the Ombudsman of the University of Barcelona when these are related to their rights and duties and derive directly from the application of the academic regulations of the CEI authorized by the University of Barcelona. For all other cases, the Ombudsman may act as a mediator between the students and the centre, provided that the CEI agrees.

  • 6. Stakeholders

    CEI uses indicators to assess the degree in which stakeholders’ expectations are met. This monitoring constitutes a direct measure for the management of the Quality System in order to guarantee its excellence and constant improvement

    (Approved on 7 April 2021).

  • 7. Student Engagement

    The students of CEI participate in the students’ community during their studies through several means:

    • By completing tests to assess their teaching staff, their satisfaction with the overall course and the functioning of the institution.
    • By electing a student representative.
    • By participating in the students’ union.
    • By having access to academic support.
    • By a representation in the CEI Quality Assurance Committee.
    • By a representation in the CEI Internal Assessment Committee.
  • 8. Research

    CEI Teaching Staff

    Jordi Quero jordi.quero@ceibcn.com

    Jordi Quero holds a PhD in Public International Law and International Relations (September 2020), and he is a professor at CEI International Affairs. He has worked as a researcher at CIDOB and as a professor at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra and the Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals. He has been a visiting researcher at the American University of Beirut. He has a master’s in History of International Relations from the London School of Economics and a Master’s in International Affairs from Columbia University. His research areas include the International Relations of the Middle East and the Theory of International Relations.

    Jordi Quero is the Executive Coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Diplomacy and International Organizations.

    Ana García Juanatey ana.garcia@ceibcn.com
    Ana García Juanatey holds a PhD in Public International Law and is a professor at CEI International Affairs. She has been a visiting researcher at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO, 2015). She has worked at the Human Rights Institute of Catalonia and the European Union’s Fundamental Rights Agency and has done consulting work for the World Bank and Barcelona City Council, amongst others.

    Ana García Juanatey is the Executive Coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Sustainable Development.

    Andrea Noferini andrea.noferini@ceibcn.com
    Andrea Noferini holds a PhD in Politics and Economics of Developing Countries by the Universitá degli Studi di Firenze. He is a Professor at CEI International Affairs and an Associate Professor at Universitat Pompeu Fabra.

    His research areas converge in the study of public policies and institutional reforms in Europe and Latin America. His studies address mechanisms for the participation of regional and local administrations in EU policy-making, the evaluation of public policies, territorial cooperation, cohesion policy, institutional and administrative capacity building and decentralized cooperation.

    Andrea Noferini is currently the Director of the Preparation to Access the Diplomatic Career.

    • Papers
    • Research Projects
  • 9. Safeguarding Academic Quality and Standards

    To find out about the quality of our official master’s degree, you can visit the following link on the website of the University of Barcelona:  http://www.ub.edu/gestio-ensenyaments/CEI.html

    • Verification reports
    • Monitoring reports
    • Accreditation reports
  • 10. Indicators

    CEI has agreed on a series of indicators through which it monitors its activities. The final goal is to demonstrate that CEI’s Quality System is meeting the relevant expectations of its stakeholders. The resulting information is used to make improvements to the Quality System and to demonstrate its effectiveness. These indicators are reviewed periodically as needed.

    (Last updated on 4 February, 2022).

  • 11. Regulatory Requirements

    CEI’s activity takes place within the framework of the following regulatory requirements:

    At the national level:

    – Real Decreto 822/2021, de 28 de septiembre, por el que se establece la organización de las enseñanzas universitarias y del procedimiento de aseguramiento de su calidad.

    – Ley Orgánica 6/2001, de 21 de diciembre, de Universidades, modificada por la Ley Orgánica 4/2007, de 12 de abril, y normativa de desarrollo.

    At the autonomous region level:

    – Ley 1/2003, de 19 de febrero, de Universidades de Cataluña y normativa de desarrollo.

    Within the framework of the University of Barcelona:

    – Decreto 390/1996, de 2 de diciembre, de regulación del régimen de adscripción a universidades públicas de centros docentes de enseñanza superior.

    – Estatutos de la Universidad de Barcelona, en lo que sea de aplicación.

    – Normativa para la adscripción de centros docentes de enseñanza superior en la UB (Acuerdo del Consejo de Gobierno de 13 de diciembre de 2013 o acuerdo que lo sustituya).

      – Convenio de colaboración académica entre la Fundación y la UB.

    Market conditions

    CEI is a non-profit entity. Its economic objective is to be sustainable, meaning that the income generated by its activity must cover the expenses to carry it out.

    CEI is a private foundation whose purpose is to contribute to forging a more sustainable and equitable world, offering postgraduate training in international relations (legal, diplomatic, political, economic fields…), based on multilateralism and sustainable development as defined in the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations Organization. It also intends to promote debate and research in the aforementioned areas. CEI develops its teaching activity in accordance with the following criteria:

    • Quality of the teaching provided. CEI aims to be recognized as a centre of excellence in higher education studies. To achieve this, a quality assessment system will be established that, in addition to meeting the requirements established by the specialized agencies AQU and ANECA, will allow the objective of excellence to be achieved. The immediate goal is to achieve ISO 9001 certification.

    Accessibility. CEI intends that its courses are accessible to all students who prove the required level of training. The development of “online” courses and the setting up of a scholarship programme, for which the support of its Trustees will be requested, are of particular importance.

    Research and teaching team. The continuous training of the teaching staff is based on the research work that it develops within the framework of the CEI and must be carried out in accordance with the following criteria: 1) have as its object the activity of the CEI: diplomacy, international relations and sustainable development, 2) comply with the requirement of economic sustainability: it must have the necessary financial support for its realization.

    The Board of Directors, on 11 March 2021.

  • 12. Internal Regulations, Practices, and Procedures

    Internal Structure

    • Organization charts
    • Internal regulations of the CEI

    Information for Prospective Students


    • Normativa académica y económica del CA y anexo con bonificaciones de matrícula 
    • Decreto de precios de la Generalitat de Cataluña 
    • Normativa propia sobre la anulación de la matrícula de los títulos oficiales y propios del CEI 
    • Resolución del rector referente a la delegación de la competencia para resolver las solicitudes de acceso a másteres de los estudiantes sin titulación homologada 




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